Google play suspended app

Google Play Store Apps Violation Guidelines and How to Avoid Suspensions

There is a lot of effort that goes in while developing an app and getting suspended by the Google Play Store is not something that a game developer would want. Google Play Store would continuously reviews and scans the store to keep a close check on whether or not the apps are complying with their policies. They notify their developers with warnings through emails and your app taken down and one doesn’t rectify the problem the entire account is suspended.

Reviewing the developer policy of Google Play Store will help in complying with them will help you stay clear of warnings and suspension. The list is not complicated at all and very simple. It may take you about half an hour to run through it but then it would be worth it. However, here is a quick list of things that should be avoided while uploading your app with Google Play Store.

  1. Keywords are important and help in app optimization and promotion however, refrain from adding unrelated keywords or repeating and pasting them all over the content of the app.
  2. The description of the app should be authentic and there shouldn’t be any false information provided.
  3. Developers who are using the help of third party marketing agencies should refrain from adding fake reviews. There are many malicious apps that are loitering around in Google that spy on user personal details when downloaded, these apps especially make use of fake reviews which Google tracks down. Be as genuine as you can; no need to add fake reviews.
  4. User’s who have reviewed your app shouldn’t be asked to rate your app or influence the placement of your app. For instance, offering discount coupons or other affiliates to entice or encouraging them to spread the word about your app.
  • Get a 10% discount coupon if you give 5 stars to our app.
  • Thank you for your feedback! Please spread the word about www. ……com and get a 10% discount on your bill at our store.

Both the above statements are misleading and are against developers policy in Google Play Store.

  1. Your app will be taken down by Google if you post the download link of your app on your competitor’s reviews section disguised as a user.
  2. Google Play Store is strictly against webview. They don’t permit any apps whose intention is to drive traffic to a provider of a webview of a website without the permission of the owner of that site. Also, if your app sends unwanted messages, email or SMS to the user without giving them the option to confirm the receiving of the content then you will soon receive a warning email.
  3. They are extremely strict when it comes to restricted content. All types of sexually explicit content such as representation of sexual acts, promoting sex toys etc. are not permitted. For any type of content having child abuse Google displays zero tolerance and besides just taking down the app they also inform the necessary authorities for further action to be taken against the developer of the app. Also graphic depiction of violence or instructions that are connected with violence such as committing suicide or murder or documents terrorist activities are banned. Bullying or posting comments within the app content that are meant for particular people or apps that are biased and racists ate not included ay all. Also tragic events or natural disasters or death cannot be included on your app.
  4. Be very careful when using copyright content in your app. Even modified copyright content is violation of their criteria and the developers would have to present evidence of their rights in order to use the copyright content.
  5. Any app that tends to change the settings of the user’s device without the consent and knowledge of the user is not allowed on Google Play Store. All apps that asks/encourages/incentivises the users to disable or uninstall other third-party apps and modifies the device settings of their device which becomes difficult to reverse are impermissible. The settings included bookmarks, widgets, icons, shortcuts etc.
  6. All the apps that are developed under the Families head should ensure that they are complying with the quality of the ads. The content used in the apps should not be created in a way that the children unintentionally click on them. A page should have just one ad placed and not more and people should be able to differentiate between the content and the ad. Also full screen ads should not be played when the app is being launched.
  7. If you happen to be inspired by someone’s logo, brand or title and are using yours to mislead the users you are violating the impersonation policy of Google. You should never mention about any relationship or endorsement with an entity when actually there is nothing as such. However, impersonation also happens without any intention to deceive which is why one should be quite careful while they are referring to brands which are not yours. Even if the brand is not on Google Play Store you cannot just impersonate anyone. Also if you are falsely claiming that your app belongs to an established individual you would have to produce the rights or permission for the app.
  8. Any apps that have been developed by a wizard service or an automated tool are not allowed.
  9. All malicious apps that misuse user data by collecting and sharing then Google will take strict action against those apps.
  10. Any apps that damage, distort or access the device of the user, server, API’s in unauthorized way is not permitted. There are some limitations to this. Apps should not be blocking ads of other aps or apps that cheat and are affecting the other aps in a negative way.

The above policies are just a quick brush up of what you should not be doing if you are interested to have your app uploaded on Google Play Store. Read the details of the developers policy so you don’t face any problems with the functioning of your app.


local_offerevent_note October 7, 2017

account_box Muzavvir Mubarak

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