cheap WordPress hosting

WordPress Hosting Comparison – Blue host vs Host Gator vs Site Ground vs In Motion vs Dream Host vs WP Engine

Best WordPress Hosting Providers For Your Website 

Web hosting is one of the fundamental constituents of all prosperous websites. If you choose the finest WordPress hosting you can expand your SEO and upsurge sales. There are several types of WordPress hosting alternatives available for example Free, Shared, Dedicated, etc. Because of the attractiveness of WordPress, more than a few web-hosting service providers prefer to learn in WordPress and provide services concerning WordPress hosting.

WordPress hosting is a caretaker type of service where all procedural sides of operating WordPress are handled by the host. This comprises of protecting the website, improve speediness, regular WordPress updates, maintaining daily backups, maintaining uptime of the website, and scalability. The main purpose of WordPress hosting is to provide a totally stress-free experience and time saving maintenance of the WordPress website, so that the owner of the website can concentrate on running the website business and increasing their customer base and sales or traffic.

One of the biggest advantages of having a WordPress website is that it is compatible with just about all good and well-known web hosting service providers. When you are choosing a WordPress hosting service provider, you must consider a few factors like speed, security measures, consistency etc. Nevertheless, the most important factor is your requirements. When you select a WordPress hosting service provider, it is important that you assess the requirements of your website, plan your budget, and then select the best possible option as choosing the right option can save you hundreds of bucks.

You must choose a WordPress hosting service providers on the basis of the following:

  • Speediness: Web users can get extremely aggravated if the loading speed of a website is slow.  Google are also taking strong measures to get rid of slow sites, so you really cannot ignore that part of your website, if you want your website to continue doing business in future. Speediness is one of the most important aspects when it comes to choosing a WordPress hosting.
  • Security: Another important factor is security. Perhaps there could only be a very few things worse than finding out that your website is being targeted by malicious sources or that it has already been hacked. Your hosting service provider must have a well-established and proficient security system to thwart the malicious attacks from the outside sources and also remove any threats from inside sources as well.
  • Supporting features: When you choose a WordPress hosting service provider, you must consider the support system of the host. Having an exceptional support system in place is important for a hosting service provider. Support team of the hosting provider must be friendly, knowledgeable, and easily reachable at any time of the day and night.
  • Features compatible with WordPress hosting: WordPress has its own set of precise needs and quirks, that cannot be handled by every hosting service provider is equipped to handle it efficiently and effectively. It needs the hosting providers with precise knowledge and features to handle the WordPress hosting. For example, at present, WordPress preferably requires PHP 5.6 to operate efficiently and MySQL 5.5 to improve security and avert dangerous attacks from malicious sources.
  • Pricing: It is important that you know when you are hiring a hosting service provider, what will be the price of the services you will be using and if you would be getting the real value of the money you would be paying. WordPress hosting providers must have an optimal speedy and secure server, and an remarkable site.


Some of the best WordPress hosting providers are:


Bluehost was launched in the year 1996 and it is one of the first web hosts in technological industry. Since then, Bluehost has grown into one of the leading brand names in the field of WordPress hosting. They are officially endorsed as WordPress hosting service provider. Using Bluehost, you will never have to concern yourself with the speed of your WordPress website, as Bluehost manages everything very efficiently, especially when there is an overloading traffic. Their support team is available in all hours of day and night through calling, email, and chat.


HostGator is a very popular host and manage more than 8 million websites in the web hosting industry. With best hosting services and a very efficient support team, it is an ideal and clever choice for almost every WordPress website owner. WPBeginner is one of the leading customers of HostGator customer ever since 2007. HostGator is considered one of the best web-hosting providers for online businesses.


SiteGround is one of the most widely held and best-rated hosting service providers for the WordPress websites. They offer exclusive and optimal solutions for the problems related to WordPress speediness and security. Their support team is friendly and experienced, and is available to help their customers for all hours of day and night. The services provided by SiteGround comprise automated upgrading, in-built WP caching, etc. One of the best advantages of hiring SiteGround services is that it also offers location-based WordPress hosting with three centers in Asia, USA, and Europe.

InMotion Hosting

InMotion hosting is recognized in the industry for its consistent and trustworthy performance for WordPress business websites. They have a very friendly and renowned support staff and they are one of the most preferred choices for the users. InMotion Hosting is mainly for active blogging websites, and provides with a whole set of growth opportunities for the bloggers to develop their business in future.


DreamHost has been in the business of web-hosting for approximately 18 years, and is acknowledged in the industry for offering user-friendly WordPress hosting services. As a user, you will get custom control panel, automated WordPress updates, unrestricted space, indefinite bandwidth and many more to increase the speed of your website by 200%. DreamHost works for more than 600,000 WordPress websites owners and bloggers.

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A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting is a fairly new when compared to other well-known web-hosting service providers. Their prices are quite affordable and their performance is quite effective and efficient. This web-hosting company has over 10 years of experience in the field of web hosting. Their services are user-friendly, highly secured, and give optimal performance.


Although, WPEngine is one of the most costly WordPress hosting service providers in the technological world, the superior quality of their services matches with their prices. This WordPress hosting website is particularly well matched for swiftly rising websites.

local_offerevent_note October 7, 2017

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